What with planning year-end field trips. marking final projects, avoiding writing report cards, and attending to my parental duties (year end shows/concerts and water polo/lacrosse games of my daughters), I haven’t had a lot of time to blog - nor do I see that I’ll have a much time for the next three or so weeks - but I’ll do my best to write something.
I thought I’d tackle something that is probably a bit contentious - safety.
First of all, understand that I come from a bicycling background. I’m a pretty safe cyclist - I wear bright colours, I always wear a helmet and gloves, I have lights and reflectors on my bike which I use, and I obey the rules of the road.
I have taken a lot of what I have learned as a cyclist and transferred that to my scooter riding. I think riding a 50cc scooter is not a huge jump from riding a bike and the skills I have developed as a cyclist over many years work really well on a scooter.
What skills? Looking everywhere to make sure nobody is going to kill you is a good one to start with. Anticipating that cars at intersections might not see me. Making sure I have lots of room in front of me so I can stop safely. Not doing stupid things because two wheels aren’t as stable as four.
The reader might think, where is this going? Well, we have had a spot of hot weather - 25 to 30 degrees C. ( I think that’s somewhere in the 80s F. - it’s been a long time since I’ve used that scale) - and I’ve been scooting around in (gulp) shorts and a t-shirt!
So, what do I usually wear when out on my scooter? A helmet - a half shell model that was the only one I could find to fit my head in the Vespa store. It has ear flaps to protect my ears and a visor. I bought a clear shield from Helmets R Us that snaps onto the front and is great in rainy and cold weather. I actually have it down most of the time unless it’s really hot. Full face helmets scare me - the only time I put one on I had a heckuva time getting it off my head without removing my nose. I do plan on getting a 3/4 helmet - I think that would be a good compromise.
For a jacket, I usually wear my red, reflective gortex cycling jacket from Mountain Equipment Coop. I realize that it’s not that much protection if I fall down but my rationalization is that I’m not going a whole lot faster than on my bike. It’s most important, in my opinion, for people to see me. If it’s really hot, and I’m going on a local trip, I do sometimes just wear a t-shirt. My bad.
I always wear gloves - sometimes two pairs together if it’s cold and wet. I have some leather gloves but prefer full fingered cycling gloves in warm weather and lobster mitts or kayaking gloves in cold or rainy weather.
As for pants, I try to wear jeans but I do sometimes wear slacks (on the way to work) or even shorts (which I feel a little guilty about). Mind you, riding with my shades on, in shorts, and wearing a t-shirt on a sunny day is a wonderful feeling. Guilty pleasure, perhaps?
Footwear? Running shoes. Sometimes I wear suede shoes that fit higher up the foot than running shoes.
I am always open to change so I may wear ‘safer’ clothes in the future but I’m OK with what I’m wearing now. I do go faster than my bicycle and if I did fall off my scoot at a fast speed, I have no illusions about the potential for serious injury. However, I try to ride as safely as possible, without taking stupid risks, so I hope to avoid serious injury. After all, the only time I’ve crashed on my bicycle was when I couldn’t get out of my clipped pedals and fell down - at a stop sign!
Ok, so that's what I currently think on safety on a 50cc scooter. Go ahead, let me have it....
Dave, clothing seems to be a common subject among us scooter bloggers at the moment, and I am not ashamed to admit I rode in shorts and a t-shirt most of the weekend, which saw temperatures in the 80s farenheit.
When I first got a scooter nearly four years ago, I wore thick jeans and armour everywhere. Then one day, I realized if I were riding my bicycle, I'd be wearing the spandex sausage-case ensemble, which offers absolutely zero protection when you hit the pavement.
On days like today, I tend to think having my brain melt from being overdressed is just as dangerous as not having the armor in case I fall. Maybe more so. So my choice of clothing will depend on speed, distance and traffic volume. If I'd gone on a club ride, heck yead I'd wear jeans, hiking boots and the Corazzo 5.0 jacket.
But if it's just me, on a 30 mph road with little traffic, I'll wear the shorts and t-shirt, and not feel guilty.
Scootin' Old Skool
Some will tell you that falling down at thirty mph will tear your skin right off when you sandpaper the tar with a leg but you know, you're an adult and make your own decisions. As a fellow rider (and conservative voter type) I'm okey withyou making your own decisions and living with them. In a truly free society its really not anyone else's business what the individual chooses to do as long as it doesn't affect others' freedom. Yeah, I wear a lot of the gear. Probably more than most but its my choice and regardless, its also my job to be able to tolerate some of the different/opposing views of people I meet. So do what feels right to you and I hope you don't have to test some of that lighter gear on a fall someday. Because I've been known to cut the corners myself sometimes.
Thanks, you make me feel a bit less guilty - I sometimes think I'm the only blogger who doesn't suit up on a hot, sunny day.
I certainly respect your decisions - and reserve the right to change what I think about safety in the future. I don't have the experience riding that you have and it is good for me to hear what other people think. Thanks for stating your opinion clearly, graphically and respectfully!
Funny I just happened on this article while looking for scooter info. I was just in a accident on my scooter going about 35mph when an oncoming car turned left right into me.
I was wearing shorts, a t-shirt, sandals, and a 3/4 helmet. From my new found experience I'm now of an opinion that a full face helmet would be the one upgrade I would make. Sure I have one hell of a case of road rash, but non of that really compares to the damage done to may face.
Don't know if I'll actually start wearing a full face helmet, but that's what I have to say on the subject. The scrapes look bad but they'll heal. My face will heal too, but there will be some nasty scars.
Well written article.
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