So my daughter, who is in French Immersion in Grade 10, is also in her second year of Japanese. I think she has an affinity for languages - her spelling certainly improves with each language learned!
As part of her course, she has the option of going to Japan during Spring Break with her school on a one week exchange. Well, we thought, great experience, make it so. She’ll be heading to Miyoshi, a city near Osaka.
Now, I worked for a year in Japan in an English language school in Tokyo way back in 1985. In fact, it’s where I met my future wife. Unfortunately, my daughter’s group is not going that far north.
Ah, but then (I think), I have my good friend who lives in Tokyo. We met while I lived there and have kept in petty good contact since (he visited out here a few years ago). And, I haven’t been to Japan in, oh, 23 years.
So the upshot is that I will be going to Tokyo while my daughter is travelling with her school, meet up with her at the end of her trip, take her back to Tokyo, and then show her around Tokyo. Also, a good chance to check out the scooter situation there. Maybe even see Kuni of the Vechs blog!
Yep, I’m Tokyo bound - subarashi!
Ohh you have nice plan... We scooter boys are looking foward to see you here!
Hope to see you there!
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