
So here’s the reasons why I haven’t made an entry for the last month....
1. School has been busy. I think I’ve mentioned this before. I’m teaching a split grade 6 and 7 class and it is a lot more work than a straight class. I’ve spent a lot more time this year marking and planning for two grades so I’ve really had to work at finding time for both riding and blogging.
2. I’ve been sick. Not deathly ill - just a couple of colds that have got into my chest. Makes me wonder if I was smart getting the flu shot. And, of course, like many other stupid teachers, I somehow feel that the students can only learn if I’m there. So then I’m exhausted when I get home and the cold lasts longer.... see where this is going?
3. School has been really busy. It seems like I spent weeks working on my report cards. They are onerous to complete at the best of time but our school is using a new, web-based system that should make things faster but, because we are piloting the system, takes a lot longer because of all the bugs.
4. The weather sucks. We’ve had way too many days of frost, black ice and snow in that last few weeks. I mean, come on, this is the west coast! I just don’t feel confident buzzing around on my Vespa when there’s snow on the road or big patches of black ice on residential streets.
5. School has been insanely busy. One of the events that parents look forward to, and some teachers dread, is the annual Christmas concert. Between being sick, teaching a split grade and doing report cards, I had to organize my group of 4 classes and get them to learn their songs, etc. in time for the Christmas concert that we presented three times.
Now, what am I going to do about these reasons?
1. I can’t change the fact that I’m teaching a split, but for some reason, the work load always seems to start to ease up after Christmas. Also, I’m trying some different things with another teacher that may make my life a little easier.
2. Right now I’m home. I’m intent on staying home until this thing has left my chest and I feel better. Hopefully, by Friday I’ll be back so I can at least say good bye to the kids until the holidays are over.
3. Report cards are done! Next term’s should go faster.
4. Cant’ do much about the weather, although it seems to have reverted back to the normal west coast of BC rain and gloom. Hurrah! I can ride in that! When I’m done my cold...
5. Christmas concert is over! Ho ho ho!
So, don’t give up on me - I do intend to keep blogging - I still have things to say... oh, and have a Merry Christmas - or Happy Hanukkah - or Joyful Kwanzaa - or whatever.
I thougt Canadians got proper guilt free healthcare and time off to be sick. There must be some compensation for not having Florida Arizona and San Diego to retreat to in winter?
Yes, we have a pretty good health system - although sometimes you have to wait - and wait 0 but it's free. And, yes, I get sick days - thank goodness! But neither of those things are currently preventing me from feeling like crap!
We were beginning to wonder if your near-death blog was your death blog. So happy you are back at the keyboard again. Make yourself a good old fashion Grog, (hot whiskey drink) and get lots of rest. Happy Holidays!
I'm still making a weekly visit. Its hard to keep up a scooter blog all year when you can't ride all year. Its been over a month since I've been on my Majesty and I feel the need to take it out for a ride with some picture taking to go along with it.
Well Merry Christmas to you too my fellow West (wet) coaster!
Work has a way of sapping your creative energy to a point where wanting to sit down to post becomes almost like work itself. Then top that off with a crappy cold...Geez.
Have a nice Holiday,
Time will pass and things will improve. There is always something new around the next bend.
Merry Christmas!
Steve Williams
Scooter in the Sticks
Heinz and Frenchie
No worries about me being dead. Still got a few near death experiences in my, I hope!
Feeling much better now - red wine really is a cure-all!
I know - it's hard to ride year round. Thanks for checking in! I will do my best to at least say something very couple weeks...
Thanks for the greeting. I have found that work is a bit more onerous than usual. Here's hoping for more energy in the new year!
Things are already improving - looking forward to next year. Hope your Christmas was great!
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